
Application for Membership

General Information about the Indian Academy of Medical Genetics and Our Mission

  • We thank you for your interest in becoming a member of Indian Academy of Medical Genetics.
  • Step 1: Fill the membership form given below. Please keep the following things ready-
    • 1. Your Photograph (JPG / JPEG / PNG up to 2 MB only)
    • 2. Medical Council Registration Number
    • 3. Upload Highest Qualification Certificate (JPG / JPEG / PNG / PDF up to 2 MB only)
  • Once the form is filled with all the details please check whether you have entered all details correctly before submission. Click the "submit" button to finish the process.
  • Step 2: Submission of application will redirect you to a payment gateway site. Please do not refresh the page. Transaction may take a few moments to process, and you should not interrupt the process by navigating away from the page.
  • Step 3: Completion of the above process will trigger an email acknowledging your application. This may take some time. Please also check your "Spam" or "Junk" folder(s). If you do not receive an email within a day or two, please contact our digital team at digitalhealth@cmplin.com.

Thank you once again for your interest in IAMG membership.

Membership Application Form

Title *
First Name *
Middle Name
Last Name *
Date of Birth *
Gender *
Email ID *
Mobile number *

Current Address *
Country *
State *
Pincode *
City *

Highest Qualification *

Education Qualification

Degree *

College/University *

Year of passing *

Award/ Distinction/ Honour

Add more +

Medical Council Registration Number (for physician applicants)
Present Designation *
Complete Address of Institute/Hospital * (max 100 words).

Professional Experience (in the chronologically descending order beginning with the current position)

Designation *

Hospital / Institute *

Duration *

Special experience/honours if any

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 Additional Academic Achievements/ Professional activities *(max 100 words).
 Areas of Special Interest *(max 100 words).
 List of Publications(beginning with the most recent publication, list all publications in the last five years with the complete reference)*

Upload Highest Qualification Document

Please upload a certificate for your highest qualification. (Only JPG, JPEG, PDF, and PNG file allowed, up to 2 MB only)*

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Upload Profile Photo

Please upload a Profile Picture (Only JPG, JPEG, PNG file allowed, up to 2 MB only)*

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Become a Leader in Medical Genetics:Join the Indian Academy of Medical Genetics Today!

Be part of a thriving community advancing medical genetics through collaboration, education, and innovation, and help transform healthcare for better patient outcomes.

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