Genetic Clinics
July to September 2019| Vol 12 | Issue 3 | Page No 1
The Eyes See What the Mind Knows!
Clinical acumen had and will continue to have a very important role in the diagnosis of patients. This was a matter of pride for senior clinicians and as students we used to admire teachers for diagnosing rare disorders and rare clinical presentations. Investigations were done to confirm the diagnosis and stamp the clinical expertise of an experienced physician. This clinical expertise was
Clinical Vignette
July to September 2019| Vol 12 | Issue 3 | Page No 2-5
Aicardi-Goutieres Syndrome - Expanding the Phenotypic Spectrum
Aicardi-Goutieres syndrome (AGS) is a rare inherited autosomal recessive condition. A number of different phenotypic presentations of AGS have been identified in recent years. This report describes an infant with AGS type 1, who presented with a neonatal lupus-like phenotype
Ami Shah1, Snehal Mallakmir1, Mitusha Verma2, Rashid Merchant1
July to September 2019| Vol 12 | Issue 3 | Page No 5-13
Congenital Myopathies: An Overview
Congenital myopathies (CM) are a clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of disorders affecting the skeletal muscles. Hypotonia, hyporeflexia and muscle weakness are common clinical presentations but the severity can be very variable ranging from the severe form with
Gayatri Nerakh1 , Megha Uppin2 , Prajnya Ranganath1
July to September 2019| Vol 12 | Issue 3 | Page No 14-17
Pseudogenes: Implications in Disease and Diagnostics
The genome is the complete set of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in an organism. Human cells contain two copies of the haploid genome consisting of 3 × 109 base pairs of DNA. Only 1-2% of the mammalian genome codes for the protein function and remaining codes for
Divya Pasumarthi, Ashwin Dalal
July to September 2019| Vol 12 | Issue 3 | Page No 18-19
Exome to Genome Sequencing: Re-look Before You Leap!!
The widespread use of exome sequencing (ES) in clinical practice has revolutionized the diagnosis of Mendelian disorders. But 50 to 75% of patients undergoing ES still remain without a diagnosis. Whole genome sequencing is an option to fill this lacuna and has been reported
Amita Moirangthem
July to September 2019| Vol 12 | Issue 3 | Page No 20
This 18-months-old male child, born to nonconsanguineous parents, was referred for evaluation of inflammatory swellings of the left lower leg and right arm. He had low grade fever at the time of onset of the swellings. He had history of a similar swelling in the right
Dr Atanu Kumar Dutta