Genetic Clinics
January - March 2024 | Vol 17 | Issue 1 | Page No 01
Medical Genetics in India: Coming of Age
The Society for Indian Academy of Medical Genetics (SIAMG) was formed in 2012 and is now more than a decade old. Last month the eighth conference of SIAMG (IAMG 2023) was held successfully in New Delhi. The scientific program was excellent and reflected the current areas of research. The posters and oral pres...
Dr Shubha Phadke
January - March 2024 | Vol 17 | Issue 1 | Coverpage
This 9-year-old boy was referred for evaluation of short stature and bony deformities. Identify the condition....
Dr Prajnya Ranganath
Clinical Vignette
January - March 2024 | Vol 17 | Issue 1 | Page No 02
An Intriguing Case of Neonatal Diabetes Mellitus
Neonatal diabetes mellitus (NDM) is a rare cause of monogenic diabetes diagnosed usually before 6 months of age. We report a case of permanent NDM in a 4-month-old infant girl who presented with diabetic ketoacidosis. She had a past history of refractory epileptic spasms and developmental delay. Genetic analy...
Jyotsna Padmanabhan1, Shaila S Bhattacharyya1, Bidisha Banerjee2
Clinical Vignette
January - March 2024 | Vol 17 | Issue 1 | Page No 05
Unusual Manifestation of a Rare Disorder: Type XIV Osteogenesis Imperfecta Presenting as Fetal Hydrops
Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a group of inherited disorders characterised by decreased bone density and increased susceptibility to fractures. In addition to the classic COL1A1/ COL1A2- associated autosomal dominant (AD) OI, close to 20 more types have been identified in recent years. Type XIV OI is a very...
Roopadarshini B1, Sreeja P1, Ashwin Dalal2, Prajnya Ranganath1
January - March 2024 | Vol 17 | Issue 1 | Page No 09
Phenotype First or Genotype First: The Conundrum
Evaluation of patients with suspected genetic disorders as well as gene disease research has predominantly relied on studying the signs and symptoms (phenotyping) of patients or research cohort, followed by doing appropriate genetic tests (genotyping) to diagnose the genetic condition or characterize the caus ...
Divya Agarwal1, Meenakshi Lallar2, Chaitanya Datar3, Koumudi Godbole4
January - March 2024 | Vol 17 | Issue 1 | Page No 13
What Diagnoses Are Missed in Next-Generation Sequencing?
Exome sequencing is quite popular among the clinicians for diagnosis of rare Mendelian disorders but is often non-diagnostic even when we have a strong clinical suspicion of a monogenic disorder. A proportion of them are solved by...
Katta M Girisha
Eighth Annual Conference of the Society for Indian Academy of Medical Genetics (IAMG 2023)