Genetic Clinics
January to March 2018| Vol 11 | Issue 1 | Page No 1
'Para-learning' of Medical Genetics
I am glad to see the progress of Medical Genetics in India. The tremendous developments in deciphering the genome and identifying the phenotypic effects of genomic variations have brought genetics to the clinics.
January to March 2018| Vol 11 | Issue 1 |
In this special issue of Genetic Clinics, we are publishing the 30 best abstracts selected from the ones that were submitted for the Fourth National Conference of SIAMG (SIAMCON 2017),
January to March 2018| Vol 11 | Issue 1 |
This 3-year-old girl presented with bilateral congenital talipes equino varus, multiple joint contractures, distinctive facial appearance and normal intellect
Indo-US Symposium on Human Genetic Disorders of Prenatal and Postnatal Growth & Fourth National Conference of the Society for Indian Academy of Medical Genetics
1. 2nd International Conference on Founder Populations The Landscape of Genetic Variants in Asian Founder Populations - from Near to Far East
2. PediGen2018, the 3rd Pediatric-Genetics Conference