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July - September 2024 | Vol. 17 | Issue 3 | 31-33
Prenatal Diagnosis after Twenty-Four Weeks of Gestation: The Question is What Next
Dr. Shubha Phadke
Department of Medical Genetics, Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Science, Lucknow, India
Address for Correspondence Email: shubharaophadke@gmail.com
Prenatal diagnosis is not only a technically advanced process but needs equally competent counselling expertise. At present very few prenatally diagnosed disorders can be treated with a complete normal outcome. Hence, termination is the only option to prevent the financial and emotional burden of serious disorders on the family. But decision of termination is also not easy, especially at later gestation and for the disorders with mild disability or variable outcomes. Here, two real, contrasting scenarios are presented and the various issues originating are presented for introspection individually and further discussions amongst stakeholders at various forums.
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