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Volume 2 | Issue 4 | October- December 2009

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October- December 2009 | Vol 2 | Issue 4 | Pages 2
Studies on Human Genetic Variations: Paving the Way to Molecular Medicine
There is an enormous variation in the sequences of DNA between two randomly chosen healthy humans. These variations are seen in coding as well as in the non-coding regions. Not all changes in the DNA sequence lead to abnormal protein or a disease. The variations in the genome can be single base pair...

Prof Suraksha Agrawal
October- December 2009 | Vol 2 | Issue 4 | Pages 4-7
'Genomic Medicine' Where is the 'Evidence'?
The practice of any form of medicine is based on evidence. The evidence may be available or collected from different sources including traditional beliefs, socio-cultural practices, persona lobservations, anecdotal annotations, case-controlled studies, double-blind randomised trials, and recent ...

Dhavendra Kumar
October- December 2009 | Vol 2 | Issue 4 | Pages 8-10
Foetal Tissue Sampling For Prenatal Diagnosis
According to the basic tenets of clinical practice, confirmation of any disease or disorder is possible only after study of target tissue or organ by laboratory tests like histology, biochemistry or genetic tests. The same is true patientfor fetal diseases, hence fetal tissue sampling and laboratory studies is a core activity in clinical prenatal genetics.....

Dr Sharad Gogate
Clinical Vignettes
October- December 2009 | Vol 2 | Issue 4 | Pages 11-12
Wolcott Rallison syndrome: A novel mutation in a South Indian family
We report on a child with Wolcott Rallison syndrome (WRS) and the novel mutation in the pancreatic eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2) kinase gene...

Sujatha J,Amithkumar IV
October- December 2009 | Vol 2 | Issue 4 | Pages 13
Obesity is fast emerging as a global epidemic affecting not only the developed but also the developing countries. Apart from lifestyle factors, genes affecting body mass index (BMI) are being found to contribute significantly to the causation of obesity. FTO and MC4R genes were initially discovered to be linked to obesity. Based on their...

Dr Shagun Aggarwal & Dr Prajnya R